Creating Energy For Change

Learn how healthcare leaders can ignite energy to tackle their approach to quality improvement.

Creating the energy for quality improvement and change, when the healthcare sector is currently under so much pressure, can seem overwhelming.  

Energy, more than any other factor, makes the difference between change activities that are acted upon and sustained for the long term and those that just dissolve. 

As described by Professor Helen Bevan, energy for change is “The capacity and drive of a team, organisation or system to act and make the difference necessary to achieve its goals”. 

As Strategic Advisor for NHS Horizons, England, Professor Bevan is no stranger to leading change and improvement. She has been a leader of large-scale change, an improvement activist, a thought-leader and innovator for more than 30 years. She has led and facilitated many nationwide initiatives in England to improve care, including in cancer services, urgent and emergency care and services for people living with dementia, involving many thousands of NHS people and people who use services. In the pursuit to improve healthcare outcomes, Bevan believes we need to recruit, train and inspire future leaders to build a community for change.  

A great example of how Bevan has put her strategies into practise, was when she founded the NHS Horizons team. By mobilising a small group of change agents within the NHS many initiatives were fostered and supported. These ideas include crowdsourcing novel solutions to help increase Coronavirus testing methods, supplies and capacity across England; building the capacity of local change leaders in health and care to co-create actionable change with thousands of participants; creating ways for people working at the frontline in every ambulance service in the UK to contribute to innovation and improvement; and convening a deliberative community of leaders to develop a 15 year forward view for the health and care workforce in England. 

In our upcoming innovative workshop, Professor Bevan is joined by ACHS Improvement Academy Director, Associate Professor Bernie Harrison to tackle some leading-edge ideas and discuss ways to unleash energy for change to deliver improvement goals. 

This interactive session will teach you ways to liberate natural energy and vitality from your healthcare workers, consumers and partners. You will take home a powerful framework for understanding, analysing and unleashing energy for change. 

WHEN: Thursday 6th July 2023 
TIME: 11:00AM – 2:00PM 
PRICE: From $99 
WHERE: Online, via zoom 
HOW: Register here 

Check out the full details here and we look forward to seeing you there to discuss leadership and sustained change.