Just launched: Quality Improvement Lead Program Project Summaries 2021-23

This booklet includes a selection of projects from participants of the ACHS Improvement Academy Quality Improvement Lead (QIL) Training Program, conducted between 2021 and 2023.

We are excited to announce the launch of our Quality Improvement Lead (QIL) Program: Project Summaries 2021-2023 Booklet.  

The ACHS Improvement Academy are thrilled to share this summary of projects which were undertaken by QIL 2021-2023 participants over the course of our 9-month program.  

The booklet contains summaries of real work-based improvement projects across various healthcare categories including acute healthcare, community, drug and alcohol services, partnering with consumers and more.  

These are some examples of best practices, innovative solutions and the positive changes participants have made to improving quality and safety in healthcare at their organisation. We encourage you to share this valuable resource widely across the healthcare system.  

The Project Summaries 2021-2023 booklet is available for viewing here.  

Ready to take improvement to a whole new level? 

Improvement starts with you. If you are looking to learn how to be an effective improvement leader and learn what it takes to build continuous improvement into everything you do, then you will not want to miss our 2024 Virtual Quality Improvement Lead (QIL) Training Program. The program starts on the 8th February 2024, but places are limited so book now to secure your place.