More virtual training and the return of Quality Improvement Lead

The Improvement Academy continues to offer affordable, contemporary and best practice training in quality improvement and patient safety.

Introducing Virtual RCA training which is running as a 2 x 3hr sessions on consecutive days.  This highly interactive training is capped at 100 participants per session and is running monthly. Places have been filling fast so you need to book early! 

The Quality Improvement Lead Training program is also virtual. The first course is well underway and the second program starts on August 26th. For those who want to find out more, there is a free information session at 2pm on 22nd July 2021. Details below.
Free Event: Change Management and the Concepts of New Power
This free event for ACHS members, to be held on Thursday 22 July and will focus on learning how to survive in a rapidly changing world in all health sectors. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic the principle of achieving change at scale and pace will be explained.

Conducted as a virtual webinar, it will equip you with the skills to not only manage change, but also improve the quality of care for your consumers. Most people believe that change is hard, however, given the right circumstances change at scale and pace is very achievable. Three case studies will be used to demonstrate the approach.

Quality Improvement Lead program
After five years of success with the Quality Improvement Lead (QIL) Program, a second QIL virtual interactive program will be offered in 2021, commencing on 26 August.

The QIL program has had more than 300 CEOs, health managers, clinicians and nurses graduate from both public and private courses over the last five years

A free information session will be held on 22 July, from 2.00 - 2.30pm to provide details about this 9-month program including: content and objectives, the number of virtual interactive workshops, the platform used, assessment task, faculty, cost and payment options.

Register for the free information session at:

The QIL virtual program will mirror the very successful face-to-face offering which has been running since 2016 across Australia. It will include a series of three-hour interactive workshops delivered by recognised experts in quality improvement, patient safety, accreditation, clinical leadership and clinical governance.

Upcoming events
Other upcoming events for August to Sept include:
- Human Factors - 4 August
- Root Cause Analysis - 24 & 25 August
- Open Disclosure - 31 August
- Partnering with consumers -15 September
- Comprehensive Care Standard 5 - 29 September

ACHS Improvement Academy also offers Masterclass events exclusively to all our members for free. The next in the series with be a presentation by Dr Maxine Power on 14 October. To register, please click here.

New forthcoming offerings - to be announced on the ACHS website shortly - NSQHS second edition: Modular program
- Patient experience journey mapping
- Leadership that promotes quality and safety

If you would like a custom virtual program for your own organisation, contact the Improvement Academy at