Partnering with consumers to inform healthcare delivery

High performing healthcare organisations are focused on achieving the outcomes that are most important for each consumer.

Partnering with consumers in healthcare is an effective approach to improving healthcare outcomes because it puts the patient at the forefront of their own care journey. 

In keeping with Standard 2 NSQHS second edition, organisations are required to have: Consumers as partners in planning, design, delivery, measurement and evaluation of systems and services and patients as partners in their own care, to the extent that they choose. 

Since the advent of patient centred care, there is greater emphasis placed on understanding and meeting the patient’s individual needs, preferences and goals. Partnering with consumers takes the approach one step further, emphasising the active involvement of patients as key stakeholders in their own care.  

“Consumer feedback and insights are the most untapped resource in healthcare today,” said Improvement Academy (IA) faculty Member and Presenter, Ms Shelley Thomson

Partnering with consumers leads to greater innovation, higher quality, and targeted healthcare delivery. By inviting patients to share their lived experiences, healthcare providers gain unique insights through which they can use to assess and improve the quality of care.   

How can I learn more about 'Partnering with Consumers'? 

The ACHS Improvement Academy and course presenter, Ms Thomspon, provide interactive training on Partnering with Consumers to Improve Healthcare Services. 

In our training sessions there is often lively chat discussions, with participants sharing some of the initiatives that their organisations are implementing to partner with consumers in the delivery of care. A noticeable trend in our last session was the increased prevalence of consumer representations on standards and advisory committees.  

Ms Thompson also addressed some interesting questions about how to approach consumers for feedback, the best time to collect data and consumer survey fatigue. We are pleased to hear the great feedback from participants at our recent session and look forward to holding our next session in September.  

Gain a deep understanding of contemporary and best practice approaches to partnering with consumers. 

Join our next training session for an introduction to design methodology tools to deeply understand the actual lived experience of patients and families. 

Our September session is the last one for 2023, so don’t miss out. Click here to register today. 

“This webinar is the best training for how to engage consumers in health care. It provides innovative strategies for effective participation with consumers. Great for Board to increase skills in meeting Standard 2. Highly recommend attendance.” - Ann Wearne Northeast Health Wangaratta. Board director and Chair of Community Advisory Committee.