Start today with our certified NSQHS eLearning Course for Healthcare Excellence

This self-paced course helps participants gain knowledge in the National Safety and Quality Accreditation Scheme and NSHQS Standards.

The Delivering Excellence: NSQHS Standards e-Learning course delves deep into the critical framework that underpins the safety and quality of healthcare in Australia. It covers essential topics such as clinical governance, partnering with consumers, medication safety, comprehensive care and more. 

The 3-hour (3 CPD Points) self-paced training including knowledge checks to test your understanding of the content and NSQHS Standards evidence checks to prompt you to grasp the practical aspects of these critical standards.  

The course is divided into 15-to-30-minute blocks allowing you to access and complete materials at your own pace.  

Comprehensive learning modules 

The e-Learning course offers five comprehensive modules, covering the following essential topics.  

  • Introduction to the NSQHS Standards:  Gain a solid understanding of the National Safety and Quality Accreditation Scheme and the NSHQS Standards.  

  • PICMoRS: Delve into the PICMoRS method, how assessors use it, and how to apply it to review quality and safety systems and processes.  

  • Insights from NSQHS Standards and Assessment Outcomes: Explore valuable insights into NSQHS Standards assessments, helping you identify gaps in their application. 

  • The Audit Program: Understand how a clinical audit program is developed, implemented, and contributes to clinical governance through the monitoring and measurement of quality and safety. 

  • Evidence and Evaluation: Learn the processes for providing evidence on how an organisation meets the NSQHS Standards and how assessors evaluate this evidence.  

Who can enrol? 

This course caters to a broad spectrum of healthcare professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of NSQHS Standards, as well as those committed to enhancing the quality and safety of healthcare services.  

How to get started 

Follow these three simple steps to start accomplishing your learning goals and discover what you're capable of today. 

  1. Simply create a new account on the e-learning platform here 
  2. Explore our flagship course Delivering Excellence: NSQHS Standards e-Learning Course 
  3. Register and commit to success, earn CPD points and your Digital Badge 

If you have any enquiries about this course, our platform or how to book please contact us at