Tailor training to your organisation’s needs with Custom Training

Empower your staff with customised training to drive service improvement.

The ACHS Improvement Academy Custom Training is a perfect option for healthcare organisations looking for tailored training that aligns with their specific goals, and context. 

These sessions run in addition to the scheduled public workshops and can be delivered on-site at a location requested by the organisation, or virtually. 

By facilitating knowledge transfer and cultivating a culture of continuous improvement, IA empowers teams to navigate the complexities of healthcare with confidence and competence. Led by our expert faculty at the Improvement Academy, our custom training is suitable for organisations looking to upskill their teams in areas of leadership, quality improvement, serious clinical incident management, patient care and more.  

Explore Popular Custom Training Courses  

  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Understand the policy and legislation requirements of Root Cause Analysis.  

  • Quality Improvement Lead (QIL) Training Program: Our flagship QIL Training Program focuses on supporting you in developing skills in continuous quality improvement and patient safety.  

  • Introduction to Human Factors in Healthcare: Develop skills and awareness in human factors and their contribution to system where errors can proliferate. 

  • Open Disclosure: Develop skills in how to conduct an Open Disclosure using evidence-based methods.  

  • NSQHS Standards: Assists healthcare professionals to understand the intent of the Standards and how these are implemented to support the provision of safe, high-quality, and continuously improving care.  

  • Clinical Governance: Enable participants to understand the National Clinical Governance Framework in complex and dynamic healthcare settings.  

View our full list of popular custom courses here 

“Wonderful learning opportunity. ACHS Improvement Academy are a highly professional group of practitioners who have extensive experience and knowledge within their team.” - Annie, CNC QPSS, Tasmanian Health Service 

For more information about our custom training, or to request a session please complete our custom training enquiry form here.