ACHS was established in Sydney, Australia
Principles of Quality Patient Care in Hospitals
Geelong Hospital was the first hospital accredited
Accreditation Guide, 1st Edition was introduced
The first ACHS Medal was awarded to Dr Lionel Wilson
ACHS Clinical Indicator Program was established
Evaluation & Quality Improvement Program
Introduction of the ACHS Quality Improvement Awards
ACHS received accreditation from ISQua
Establishment of ACHS International
Began accrediting HCOs to the Commission's NSQHS Standards
The ACHS Improvement Academy was launched
Expanded our accreditation services to Rainbow Tick, NSQPCH, NSQDMH Standards and more
Launched Metrik, a new system that helps organisations track, analyse and benchmark data
Stay tuned for more updates on our innovations to improve safety and quality in healthcare
It's wonderful to be celebrating 50 years of ACHS, the achievements, the impact and the improvements that have occurred. Half a century later those that foresaw what ACHS could do, and has done, were truly remarkable, and their vision lives on making a difference.
If you have an inspiring experience or memory of ACHS from the last 50 years, then we would love to hear from you. Contact us below via email.