Our current partners include the following organisations, who we are proud to be associated with:
Institute for Healthcare Improvement – British Medical Journal (IHI- BMJ)
ACHS is proud to be a strategic partner for the IHI-BMJ’s International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare.
Patient Safety Movement (PSM)
ACHS is a proud member of this Movement whose mission is to urgently unify people and collectively improve patient safety across the globe.
ACHS is proud to have the following Memberships:
International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua)
ACHS has been an Institutional Member since 1997.
Asian Society for Quality in Health Care (ASQua)
We are proud to be an ASQua national member of its Executive Board and support safety and quality improvement in the Asian region. ACHS and ACHS International CEO, Dr Karen Luxford is the President for ASQua.
Australian Hospitals and Healthcare Association (AHHA)
The AHHA was one of the founding members of the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) and we continue to be a member with them.
Consumers Health Forum Australia (CHFA)
Consumers Health Forum Australia (CHFA) is Australia’s leading advocate on consumer health care issues. CHFA works to achieve safe, good quality, timely healthcare for all Australians, supported by the best health information and systems the country can afford.
Associations Forum
ACHS is proud to be a partner of this Forum whose mission is to 'bring associations together to boost performance'. The Associations Forum are the leading organisation assisting associations and charities in governance, operations, membership and finances.