ACHS Assessors undertake mandatory Cultural Safety Training

Thank you to our trainers and organisers. Feedback from our participants was very positive.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care recently implemented a mandatory requirement that assessors undertaking assessments to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, receive face-to-face Cultural Safety Training in relation to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander actions. This requirement replaced the previous online course that Assessors were required to complete and must be completed by 30th July 2023.
To meet the requirement, ACHS engaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainers to deliver the full day program using the training materials provided by the Commission. 

ACHS Assessors live and work all over Australia, so the training was an opportunity to bring Assessors together to receive the full day training.   

The sessions have been successful in allowing our Assessors the opportunity of experiential learning. Being able to hear and learn about the Commission’s expectations of evidence in relation to the six specific Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander actions within the National Safety and Quality Standards offered Assessors a great insight into the perspective of our consumers who have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage. 

The program looks at topics such as:

  • Understanding Cultural Safety (and why it is important)
  • Aligning Assessments with national policy and frameworks
  • Criteria for assessing progressive implementation of the required actions. 

Thank you to our trainers and organisers. Feedback from our participants was very positive:

“I found the day to be very useful and even though I have worked in the field of Aboriginal Health for the past 45 years there were quite a few learnings that I picked up.”

“Extraordinary training. Appropriately provocative and thought-challenging. It addresses the issues of unconscious bias and institutional racism very well and provided a great foundation to think about a welcoming environment to a far greater depth than previously. Sincere thanks - all facilitators were dignified, expert leaders.”

“Pleasing that such professional advocacy is in place to ensure increased involvement and that partnerships with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people is actively encouraged.”