Indicator Set Updates

The Hospital wide set has been updated and will be implemented in the upcoming submission period. We are also undergoing review of the Internal Medicine set with the relevant endorsing bodies.

Hospital Wide: We have updated this set to exclude falls from narcolepsy, under Area 4: Inpatient Falls. The set has been updated to Version 13.4. 

Internal Medicine: The Internal Medicine set is undergoing review. The indicators related to Geriatric Care have been moved out of the Internal Medicine set, given the development of the recent 2021 Geriatric Care indicator set Version 1. As a result of the gradual decline in healthcare organisations reporting data from this set overtime and the increase in specialty societies who have existing clinical databases, we have sought to review the set so that we reduce overlap and ensure indicators are relevant for our members. We have sent out expression of interest to endorsing bodies, namely those in the fields of Nephrology, Endocrinology and Cardiology, to ask for their time in reviewing the indicators and collaboration to develop newer, more relevant indicators. Ongoing discussions with the colleges are still in progress.