Indicator Set Updates

The Oral Health Manual was finalised and is waiting final endorsement. Developments in the review of several Clinical Indicator sets have been achieved.

Oral Health

The Oral Health Manual was finalised and is just waiting final endorsement. The updates to Oral Health are a change of timeframe for indicators 1.2 and 1.3 had their timeframe extended to 14 days to capture post-operative infections that become evident after 7 days. Indicator 2.1 “Endodontic treatment – same tooth within 6 months of initial treatment” was removed. A new indicator “Endodontic Treatment – root canal retreatment within 12 months” was added. A new indicator in Children’s Oral Health Care for General Anaesthesia “Retreatment (2 or more) within the last 12 months” was added. Finally, the Radiographs area was removed as it was poorly reported due to the difficulty to assess data and replaced with a Preventative Services area which now measures “Preventative treatment provided at a periodic oral examination”. Please note that due to the changes, there some indicators have been discontinued and new ones have replaced them, so this will affect data collection from July 2022 and reporting from January 2023. 


ACHS is planning to re-introduce the Dermatology set with The Australasian College of Dermatologists as the endorsing body. This set will be updated for current practice and will have a focus on the broader work performed by dermatologists these days. It will also have a focus on telemedicine services which are increasingly performed in this sector.

CI Review and Development Updates

In the first half of 2022, several developments in the review of the following Clinical Indicator sets have been achieved and others are expected to be achieved within this year:

-    Oral Health: This manual will be released for collection in July this year, pending ACHS endorsement.

-    Maternity: The user manual for this set has been re-drafted and has almost been finalised. Once finalised, it will be sent to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) for endorsement.

-    Radiation Oncology: The working party for this set met on the 6th of May to discuss the set and review the indicators as well as look at emerging indicators. Development on the updated manual has commenced. We thank all the members who provided feedback on the current set and the indicators which they would like to see in the updated set.

-    Radiology: The working party for this set will meet sometime towards the end of June to mid-July. We thank all the members who provided feedback on the current set and the indicators which they would like to see in the updated set.

POS would like to thank Dr Stephen Tobin, Clinical Advisor, Dr Janney Wale, Consumer Representative, Jill Schaefer, Clinical Coder, and Mr Stephen Hancock, HSRG Statistician, for all their contributions in all projects mentioned above.