Meet Trina Lautier - Event Organiser, ACHS Improvement Academy

Welcome to our Staff Spotlight where we introduce our great teams who work tirelessly to support ACHS Members and the broader healthcare community.

In this edition, we learn more about Trina Lautier - Event Organiser, ACHS Improvement Academy. 

Tell us about your journey with ACHS, how long have you been working here?  
I joined the ACHS Improvement Academy (IA) team in November 2023 as an Event Organiser, and it has been an amazing journey so far.  Over these past months I have had the opportunity to learn new things and been fortunate to work alongside a talented and supportive team which has been truly rewarding. I look forward to continuing on this journey and contributing further to our shared successes. 

How does your role support ACHS Members? 

My focus is on delivering custom workshops to healthcare organisations including ACHS Members, Government and rural services. From the initial enquiry stage to the post workshop phase, I collaborate closely with both the IA team and the requesting organisation to ensure the delivery of the custom training aligns with their training requirements.  

What do you find most rewarding about working in the healthcare sector?  

The most rewarding aspect for me is knowing that the events I organise facilitate the continuous education and professional development of healthcare professionals. By ensuring these workshops run smoothly and effectively, I indirectly contribute to assisting a healthcare professional and improving quality knowledge and patient care outcomes. 

What comes to mind when you think of healthcare quality improvement? 

Improving healthcare quality requires a comprehensive approach, incorporating a range of strategies to enhance safety, effectiveness, efficiency and patient centred care across all of healthcare. 

Which healthcare figure or organisation most inspires you?   

The World Health Organization (WHO) is an organisation that inspire me. I admire their tireless efforts in serving vulnerable communities, addressing global health challenges and their leadership in health.  

How do you practise self-care?  

I practise self-care by spending time outdoors, going on walks, participating in community-based park runs and yoga in the park.  I also love spending time going away camping with family and friends. These activities help me recharge mentally and physically, ensuring I maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

Thank you Trina, for sharing your insights and experience with us. We look forward to bringing you further Staff Spotlight articles in the future and showcasing the incredible talent that we foster at ACHS