Second Half 2023 Data Submission and Reporting

The data submission for the second half of 2023 has now closed.

Please remember if you cannot meet the submission deadline, you are welcome to contact us for an extension. It is also possible for us to enter your data after the submission deadline, but this data will not form part of the aggregate rate that is used for comparison. Contact us at for further information.

Thank you to everyone who entered data and to those who used Metrik for the first time. We would love to hear about your experience of using the new data entry portal, most users we have heard from found Metrik easy to navigate and enter data. PIRT will be unavailable for the next data submission so if you would like training or further information on the use of Metrik please contact us at

The team is currently working on cleaning the data so that comparison reports are ready by the beginning of April. Reports will be available in Metrik as a dashboard and as a downloadable PDF file. There will be ongoing improvements coming to the Metrik data portal throughout the coming year as we invest in providing a better digital service for our members, with the aim to automate the data collection and submission in the future. So, you can focus on quality improvement rather than data entry, analysis, and reporting.