Who the standards apply to?
Mental health CMOs provide services such as psychosocial rehabilitation, helpline and counselling services, subacute step up/step down services, accommodation support, self-help and peer support, employment, education and family and carer support. CMO mental health services may include or be complementary to clinical care, and frequently collaborate with other service providers, including suicide prevention and alcohol and other drug services.
Practice Governance
The Practice Governance Standard describes the practice governance, safety and quality systems and the safe environment that are required to maintain and improve the reliability, safety and quality of mental health care, and improve outcomes for consumers.
Partnering with Consumers, Families and Carers
The Partnering with Consumers, Families and Carers Standard describes the systems and strategies to create a person-centred mental health system in which consumers and, where relevant, their families and carers are:
- Supported in their decision-making
- Partners in their own care
- Involved in the development and co-design of quality mental health care.
Model of Care
The Model of Care Standard describes the processes for delivering mental health services, recognising and responding to deterioration and minimising harm, preventing and controlling infection, managing medication use and communicating for safety.
Next Steps >
ACHS is Australia’s most experienced healthcare accreditation service. If your community managed health organisation provides mental health services, please contact us to find out how ACHS can assist by filling in the form or call 02 9281 9955.